Monday, March 05, 2007

When friendships fall...

I am the type of person who has never or will never have a lot of friends. That's OK because I'm shy. But so far, I don't understand why I probably am the only person who has that many friendships fall apart. Am I annoying? It hurts really bad, especially today.

- Take Hannah. She was very very nice to me when we took JOU 308 together. We went out to meals, practicing driving, drinking. I love talking to her about journalism. She just got into it. So I thought she loved talking about it too. I was jealous that she got the internship in Washington, D.C., but that was it. We met again in Burlington and I thought everything was cool. I was alone in Burlington so having a friend over was what I really loved. She left Burlington and we promised to see each other again in D.C. Four months without hearing from her. And then an reply e-mail came in September, saying that I was the most annoying friend she had and she had no intention of having me as a friend. And that she was sick of me complaining. Why didn't tell me in Burlington? Why later? Why ignoring my phone calls?

- Then Nam, whom I thought was a very close high school friend. Last semester, we hit it off perfectly well. We were even planning for a get together in Florida during Christmas. Now, he did not return my call nor my email even though I am moving to Austin.

- Then Lingbing. Though we are not friend, she was the first person I knew in Morgantown. At least, we had 1 day driving around Morgantown when I first came here to do paperwork. After asking her to help me with my photo assignment, and she refused, I apologized, and now she ignored seeing me at one of the j-school events tonight.

- Then Jenna. my roommate, whom I thought we hit well for the first 6 months. Suddenly, saying Hi is awkward and ignoring my presence is what she does.

My big question to me is WHY PEOPLE HATE ME THIS MUCH?

1 comment:

Chep-kun Family said...

Huong chuot. Cậu hãy nghĩ rằng thật tốt là mình đã hiểu được phần nào về những con người ấy, và họ không xứng đáng làm bạn. Không phải tất cả mọi người chúng ta gặp trong cuộc đời đều có thể trở thành bạn. Cậu chẳng có gì đáng ghét cả, chẳng qua là những con người ấy ko hiểu được cậu. Với lại, chị nghĩ không phải với bất cứ ai cậu cũng có thể đem những chuyện của mình ra phàn nàn và tâm sự với họ. Hãy biết chọn bạn. Ít nhất thì cũng có chị luôn luôn là 1 người bạn của cậu. Hay quên những chyện này đi nhé.
Chị Giang