Saturday, February 03, 2007

A switch in attitude

First of all, I love that column. It speaks for me, and it shows how my attitude about life in Morgantown has changed significantly. Last semester, it was all about feeling depressed, dissapointed, lonely and regretting the fact that I studied at WVU for my senior year.
Like what the author of that column wrote, why complaining while I'm 22 years old, also attending a big public American university, getting paid for 3 jobs that I love, having a really really cozy apartment, studying very interesting subjects with very talented professor, and will be attending a conference with most talented editors and reporters in the business?
Though however, I'm scared about going to Austin. And I don't even know if I could go. I'm scared about graduating. Graduation, then what will happen next? A big question mark.
"I like what I do, and mixing shots of espresso when the shop is busy and sipping tea with the regulars is a pretty decent job. So I smile and prescribe a caramel latte to the crabby customer, who's maybe less fortunate than me, who may be down on his luck. He might smile back and toss a tiny donation into my tip jar if I play my cards right."

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